Model letters

Model letters

Contesting an invoice that does not conform to an estimate

Business life

Your details

Coordinates of the craftsman
In ... (place), on ... (date),

Registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt

Subject: invoice dispute

Dear Sir or Madam,

I come back to you following the work that you carried out at my residence, on ... (date), following the signature of an estimate of ...€ TTC.

I received on... (specify the date) your invoice for this work. You claim me the sum of ...€ (in general: higher than the amount of the estimate).
You consider that I owe you this sum for the following reasons... (indicate the reasons alleged by the professional).

I would like to inform you of my refusal to pay this amount. Indeed, it does not correspond in any way to the agreement that we concluded at the time of the signature of the estimate.
Moreover, the article 1104 of the Civil code stipulates that the contract obliges the parties, and only a conventional agreement allows to modify the terms of this one.

I therefore ask you to kindly rectify the amount of your invoice to conform to our agreement, noted by the signature of the estimate. I would like to inform you that I will only pay the amounts we agreed upon.

Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my distinguished greetings.
